iPads and other tablets are backed by House of Lords

Posted on February 4th, 2011 John Burns

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A report issued by the House of Lords has backed the use of tablet devices and smartphones within the Lords chamber and grand committee.

There had been some limited opposition to the report by those who claimed that the devices would create a distraction – opposition that was countered by the amendment that all such devices must be kept on silent.

The report – carried out by the House of Lords administration and works committee – deemed current rules surrounding the use of electronic devices within the House of Lords, “inconsistent”. The report described how advice on how to use phones and other devices in the chamber was “conflicting” and “not clearly set out” and went on to outline the benefits of such devices to political processes within the Lords.

However the report stopped short of recommending a complete lift of the blanket ban on electronic devices, instead requesting that the use of conventional laptops continue to be prohibited.

“We therefore propose that all handheld devices should be permitted in the chamber and grand committee provided they are silent,” the report read. “This would exclude conventional laptops.”

The committees report continued, outlining how they “see no qualitative difference between using a pad of paper for speaking notes and using an iPad or other device.”

If the Lords agree with the findings, then the House of Lords procedure committee will make the necessary amendments to the Lords’ proceedural code when it is next updated.

View the original article here

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