Steve Jobs ‘still working on iPad 2’

Posted on February 12th, 2011 Liz G

Steve Jobs iPad1 Steve Jobs ‘still working on iPad 2’ at’s CEO Steve Jobs may officially be on a break for health reasons but he’s still reported to be working on the company’s products.

Sources have said that he is taking meetings at home and on the phone regarding the development of the iPad 2 and iPhone 5.

Wall Street Journal’s Yukari Kane says the sources even claim that Jobs has been seen at Apple’s Cupertino HQ.

Production is said to be underway on the iPad 2 and it’s believed the tablet will be announced either at the end of February or in March and will be released by the end of April.

Jobs announced his break from business last month, with Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook continuing to manage daily operations.

An Apple spokesperson said that Jobs would remain involved in strategic decisions and it appears this is the case.

The fact that Jobs stayed involved in Apple’s management during previous absences indicates that this is likely to the case again.

And so it seems the sources are letting us know that there is no need for people to go elsewhere for their latest tablet or for shareholders to get the jitters.

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