Samsung unveil ‘green’ DDR memory at CeBIT

Posted on March 3rd, 2011 John Burns

Samsung green DDR 350 Samsung unveil ‘green’ DDR memory at CeBIT at have unveiled their reduced power, 30nm DDR memory at the CeBIT event in Hannover.

The company have been quick to play up the green credentials of their new memory, as tech-firms begin to feel the pressure of government initiatives to reduce domestic carbon emissions.

In addition to the low power consumption, the 30nm, ‘green’ memory also runs at a lower temperature than standard memory units, which tend to set the mercury flying to around 59 degrees Celsius. The 30nm memory remains at a cool average temperature of 51 degrees Celsius.

It is this feature, that Samsung believe will help overcome the problems mentioned at CeBIT’s ‘cloud conference’, in which a panel of experts debated the pros and possible cons of cloud computing.

While the panel were, on the whole, optimistic, they offered some words of caution to anyone getting too excited by cloud technology, stating that the less than 100% reliability of current internet services, coupled with the insane amount of work servers and data centres would have to do to handle the requisite data could delay the development of the tech.

Whilst not ticking all the boxes, the low running temperature and energy consumption of Samsung’s new memory could be a step in the right direction, and will definitely be welcome news to server operators anticipating a meltdown when cloud computing finally takes off.

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