Rumours of a “significant” new tablet to be unveiled at Florida event

Posted on March 4th, 2011 John Burns

CTIA Wireless 20101 Rumours of a “significant” new tablet to be unveiled at Florida event at are reporting that a “significant” new tablet is to be unveiled at the CTIA 2011 event in Florida this month.

Rumours and speculation about just what the new tablet will be have spread across the internet following CTIA vice president Rob Mesirow’s enigmatic comments in an interview with PC Mag’s Sascha Segan.

As well as the “significant” addition to the tablet market, Mesirow let slip that CTIA would demoing many other new tablet devices, hardly surprising I guess as 2011 rapidly becomes the year of the tablet;

“Tablets are just an extension,” he said. “We’ll start seeing a lot of extension devices. It’s probably no accident that most of the new phones coming out will be able to tether 5-7 [inch] products to that phone. We’re going to see a ton of tablets at the show.”

Part of Mesirow’s adoration of tablet devices stems from his passion for “M-health”, or, IT in the healthcare industry. He hinted that M-health orientated devices would feature at the event, remarking about how easily 7-inch tablets “fit into a lab coat”.

Mesirow did not shed any direct light on what the flagship tablet release would be, although when pressed on the overriding theme of the CTIA event, he answered; “Android, Android, Android”. So a Honeycomb slate is a fair bet.

This outburst has led to internet speculation on the release of a new 8.9 inch Samsung Galaxy tab at the event, by bloggers who think they have second-guessed Mr Mesirow’s enthusiastic utterances.

View the original article here

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