Online TV: Entertainment When You Want It

Posted on March 4th, 2011 Anand

seesaw tv - internet tvPeople’s lifestyles are changing with work, family and technology. One of the particular sectors to be affected is entertainment. Technology has changed the way we can access entertainment. For instance, in the late 90s, it was generally considered that TV viewing figures were actually going down in the UK – bad news for advertisers! This was due to a number of reasons but one was blamed that many of us couldn’t sit down anymore at a set times to watch TV programmes.  However, today, the internet has transformed way we enjoy TV forever.

One of the most important advancements to make internet tv possible is that of broadband that offer much speedier connections. You can turn on your computer and log into to services like Seesaw and watch a number of  different programmes. There’s a strong line up of documentaries, drama, soaps and science fiction on all accessible with online TV services but there still isn’t one service that caters for every single TV programme but looking around there should be something for everybody.

In the future, advancements in mobile technology could mean that we’ll be able to experience undisrupted TV streaming whilst on the move! Even the games console industry has taken to streaming TV with lovefilm services on the Playstation 3 for instance.  These technological moves forward certainly help us enjoy our spare time more in a hectic world.

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