Asus demo Wavi Xtion motion sensor technology at CeBIT

Posted on March 4th, 2011 John Burns

asus wavi xtion index displayv2 Asus demo Wavi Xtion motion sensor technology at CeBIT at have demoed their new Wavi Xtion motion sensor periphery at the CeBIT event in Hannover.

The technology – similar to that of Microsoft’s Kinect for the Xbox – is the first of its kind for use with PC devices and represents Asus’ forward thinking outlook on development.

Unlike the Kinect which, being developed for a games console, is designed solely with gaming applications in mind, Asus believe that Wavi Xtion will usher in a whole host of other applications such as remote and hands free PC usage.

Asus demonstrated this by showing how a user would browse through content, photos and music playback using just motion control.  Those in attendance were generally impressed with the interface, although some teething problems did appear in the technology, and hand movements did not always register with a cursor movement.

Ironically, a demo of a Wipeout-style racing game was far more impressive as the Wavi Xtion motion sensor proved a truly intuitive game-playing tool.

Asus announced at the event that they plan to have Wavi Xtion ready for a Q2 release, an ambitious timeframe given that the user interface still requires a tune-up. However, it is a schedule they may have to stick to, as Asus also announced that game developers have produced an impressive array of compatible titles to be released along side the periphery device.

Asus better get their skates on and smooth over any rough edges in time for launch.

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