Amazon are best placed to take on Apple in the tablet market, say analysts

Posted on March 14th, 2011 John Burns

amazon crave Amazon are best placed to take on Apple in the tablet market, say analysts at research has identified Amazon as the best placed company to take on Apple in the tablet stakes.

The research – from market analysts, Forrester – cited the success of Amazon’s Kindle enterprise, as well as their exemplary customer relations record as indicators of the company’s potential in the market.

With the recent flurry of iPad competitors, from companies such as Motorola and Samsung, the online retail giant may seem like an odd choice as the next challenger to Apple’s gold standard device. But as tablet manufacturers begin to develop the e-reader aspect of their devices in an attempt to outflank each other, they will undoubtedly tread on the toes of Amazon’s Kindle unit.

If that’s the direction tablets are heading in – and the promotion of Apple’s iBook store implies that that is the case – who could blame Amazon for retaliating in the marketplace?

While Forrester’s analysis is purely speculative, and it seems unlikely that Amazon’s development team are working away on a true tablet device to follow up Kindle, Amazon’s top brass will undoubtedly be interested in Forrester’s findings.

However, Amazon would be well advised to approach with caution; iPad 2’s sales reached in excess of half a million units in its first weekend of release, indicating that the iPad v Android battle may not be the comfortable Google victory some had predicted.

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