Lenovo predict tablet shipment problems due to memory-chip supply

Posted on March 29th, 2011 John Burns

lenovo logo Lenovo predict tablet shipment problems due to memory chip supply at laptopshop.co.ukTech firm, Lenovo are predicting potential problems with shipments of their new tablet – the LePad – due to a shortage of memory chips.

The 1GB double data rate random access chips – or DRAMs – used by manufacturers worldwide, are predominately made in Japan, and supplies have fallen following the recent tragedies in the country.

Lenovo’s Vice President, Chen Xudong said that the problems with supply would not be limited to the Launch of Lenovo’s LePad and would effect the launch of devices from other manufacturers.

Analysts are split over how much companies such as Apple will be affected, with some saying greatly, and others saying that Apple’s policy of commissioning multiple manufacturers will keep iPad production stable. Carolyn Wu, an Apple spokeswoman, declined to comment.

The dominance of Japanese industry in manufacturing components for PC devices has been highlighted in the wake of the recent earthquake and subsequent catastrophe. Experts are expecting price-spikes and shortages for a wide range of components; from battery cores to LCD display panels.

Despite the disruption, Lenovo – who are currently China’s premier PC manufacturer with a 32.2% share in the country’s market – say the LePad will still be launched in the UK by June.

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