Release dates leaked for RIM PlayBook and HTC Flyer

Posted on March 22nd, 2011 John Burns

HTC Flyer Blackberry PlayBook 150x150 Release dates leaked for RIM PlayBook and HTC Flyer at release dates have reportedly been leaked for RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook tablet as well as HTC’s 7-inch Flyer tablet.

The information, released by mobile operators Three, indicates a May release for the HTC Flyer, while RIM’s PlayBook is pencilled in for a June release.

The leaked slide also describes the PlayBook’s June release as “WiFi only”, which isn’t a huge surprise as rumours have previously suggested that RIM want PlayBook users to pair the tablet with a BlackBerry smartphone for 3G usage.

The two devices have caused r of excitement in the tablet market, and both have been nominated as possible contenders to the Apple iPad’s crown.

While these projected release dates give the Apple device a 1 and 2 month respective headstart on the devices, the buzz around the two tablets will hopefully be sufficient to give them a fighting chance in the market.

A second quarter release date could also give the devices the edge over another of the challengers for the tablet crown – the HP TouchPad.

The TouchPad had been rumoured for a US release in April but this was later knocked back to June, with some sources reporting that HP were going to hold the item until September.

A quote from HP’s CEO, Leo Apotheker seems to confirm that the TouchPad will now be released in June, but this is a US release date only; no information is currently available for a UK release.

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