U.S. carriers defend pricing for Motorola’s Atrix laptop dock

Posted on February 10th, 2011 John Burns

B2C Computing Dock MOTOROLA ATRIX LARGE U.S. carriers defend pricing for Motorola’s Atrix laptop dock at laptopshop.co.uk
Following the recent furore surrounding the Motorola Xoom, consumers are once again up in arms over the planned pricing of the Motorola Atrix netbook dock.

American carrier, AT&T have rushed to the aid of the device, proclaiming it “more than just a netbook.”

AT&T – one of the largest providers of broadband in the US – had announced that a $500 price tag would be adorning the item on its U.S. release, an announcement that left consumers cold.

The company’s vice president, Mike Woodward was quick to legitimise the cost of Motorola’s new device:

“With all the integration between the phone and dock,” he explained. “You can do much more on an Atrix than you can on just a netbook. Other devices that try to do this just give you a mirror mode.”

The dock certainly is an innovative bit of kit – a slot to the rear of the netbook allows users to connect their Atrix mobile phone which can then be used via the desktop – and Woodward probably has some justification in being peeved at consumers who do not recognise that such innovation comes at a cost.

However, Motorola and AT&T are both guilty of misreading market trends and patterns with their promotion of this device; the increasing democratisation of the PC market means that consumers who are unhappy with the price of one device can very easily get their tech elsewhere.

Also, neither company seems to have recognised that being a big name in one sector doesn’t necessarily transfer to other sectors; releasing products at premium prices requires consumer confidence in your company as a producer of high-end devices. Motorola simply do not have that sort of market reputation in the PC sector.

Orange will be hoping to avoid a similar PR nightmare when they release the Atrix dock on this side of the Atlantic in the first half of 2011.

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