HTC plans tablet launch in March, more details revealed

Posted on February 9th, 2011 Dan Mather

HTC android tablet HTC plans tablet launch in March, more details revealed at of HTC’s latest plans for the tablet sector have been revealed with details of its intentions for the associated operating systems emerging in China.

It now looks as if a HTC Flyer tablet running on the Gingerbread 2.3 version of Android will be made available next month, so they’ll be another Google-operated iPad rival on the market before long.

The popularity of HTC’s smartphones has gone a long way towards helping establish Android as the operating system of choice for millions of mobile users and its tablet releases are now keenly anticipated.

Apple of course has been keen to dismiss the prospects for Android tablets, partly because they haven’t yet got a tailor-made OS. Perhaps with this criticism in mind, HTC is planning to equip its first seven-inch slate with a newly designed HTC Sense interface to smooth out the way the Android OS looks and operates, according to a report from the Chinese newspaper the Economic Daily.

Official confirmation of the Taiwanese company’s plans for the tablet sector is yet to appear but bosses at the firm have been clear enough about their aim of battling it out with familiar rivals in a variety of size categories.

There has been some dispute in recent weeks over just how popular Android operated tablet PCs have been so far with consumers worldwide. Roughly two million Samsung Galaxy Tabs are believed to have been shipped since their launch last October but conflicting reports have surfaced over the issue of return rates and how many of the devices have actually been sold to customers rather than retailers.

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