“Hidden” phone function for the Dell Streak 7 tablet uncovered, along with some problems.

Posted on February 4th, 2011 John Burns

141489 dellstreak7 Hidden” phone function for the Dell Streak 7 tablet uncovered, along with some problems. at laptopshop.co.uk

Dell’s new Streak 7 slate does have voice call capabilities after all, and StreakSmart have uncovered them.

However, its discoverers hint that there is maybe a sinister motive for how well hidden the app is; it doesn’t work.

According to StreakSmart’s video (available to view below), the app opens as normal revealing a standard phone interface, with “call log” and “favourite” tabs. However, when a call is actually made the user is greeted by a little Android man waving goodbye, and a message informing you that the call has ended.

The strange thing is, the phone you are dialling actually rings, although there is not evidence of a call being made on the Streak. The video does not show what happens if the ringing phone is answered, although presumably it’s not very exciting.

Critics of the new Android tablets have pointed to this as evidence that Android tablet devices released before Honeycomb have all just been scaled up versions of Android phones and that apps like this are remnants from the original smartphone that fail to work on the tablet.

However, if the manufacturers can iron out this problem, the voice call function would make a really good addition to the Android 2.2 running device.

Click the link for the video

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