New HTC Android tablet in the pipeline

Posted on March 22nd, 2011 John Burns

evoview headline New HTC Android tablet in the pipeline at

HTC have announced another Android tablet to follow their 7-inch Flyer device.

The new tablet – the HTC Evo View – bears a strong resemblance to the Flyer, leading to speculation that it is simply a different coloured version of the already announced Flyer tablet.

Unlike the Flyer however, there is no UK release date as yet announced for the device. Current information suggests it will be 4G only on its American release, which is a connectivity option not supported in the UK.

However, it seems unlikely that HTC would turn a cold shoulder to the British market, especially following the growing success of HTC smartphones on these shores. A 3G or WiFi version will surely follow, ready for a release over here.

Specifications for the device are currently few and far between; all we really know is that it will support 4G and will run Google’s Android Honeycomb OS. Judging by the picture it will be a 7-inch device like the Flyer.

No pricing, release information or further specs have been released, but the website that announced the device – – do have a notifications service which, they say, will deliver this information as and when it becomes available.

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