NBAD launches first Solar ATM in UAE
The National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), the Number One Bank in the UAE, has become the first bank in the UAE to launch a solar-powered ATM.
NBADs first solar ATM became operational this week at Al Bateen Branch in Abu Dhabi. Its launch coincided with the World Future Energy Summit (WFES), taking place in Abu Dhabi January 17-19, which NBAD sponsors, and where speakers from NBAD will present to the forum the Banks sustainable initiatives and strategy.
We are proud to be the first bank in the UAE to launch a green ATM, says Suvo Sarkar, the General Manager of Consumer & Elite Banking at NBAD. As the Number One Bank in the UAE, NBAD strives to be at the forefront of offering superior banking products and services. As part of our CSR initiatives, we hope to be the ‘trend-setter’ in adopting solar power for future ATMs in this country.
Mr. Sarkar adds: NBADs rollout of solar-powered ATMs will reduce our carbon footprint, and presumably act as an example of how banks can contribute to the sustainability of the environment.
The NBAD’s green ATM, launched in cooperation with Apex Power Concepts, is powered by solar panels installed on the branchs roof. The panels are connected to a circuit breaker board, which feeds a power controller where part of the collected energy is stored for the ATMs night operation.
NBAD aims to eventually implement this solution in all NBAD branches as well as at stand alone offsite ATMs. The Bank has one of the largest branch and ATM network in the country with more than 110 branches and 429 ATMs all over the UAE.
CSR at NBAD is a way of doing business. Therefore, we adopt methods and technologies that are aligned with this strategy, said Ahmed Al Naqbi, the Head of Channels & Electronic Banking Services at NBAD. In addition to delivering quality products and services, NBAD differentiates itself in the market by its corporate sustainability credentials.
NBAD also plans to rollout eco-friendly cards that have been produced from recycled products. Mr. Al Naqbi will present the Bank’s initiatives and plans to launch more sustainable products at World Future Energy Summit (WFES), which commences today in Abu Dhabi.
Belinda Scott, the Senior Manager of CSR at NBAD, will present the Bank’s CSR strategy and initiatives at WFES.
NBAD has one of the regions most energetic Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (CSR) programmes. NBAD is the first UAE bank to publish its annual Sustainability Report, which follows established global guidelines, and the Bank is a founding member of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group and a member of its General Secretariat.
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